i. When did Social Security start?

The Social Security Act was signed by President Franklin Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. Taxes were collected for the first time in January 1937 and the first one-time, lump-sum payments were made that same month. Regular ongoing monthly benefits started in January 1940.

ii. What is the origin of the term ‘Social Security’?

The term was first used in the U.S. by Abraham Epstein in connection with his group, the American Association for Social Security. Originally, the Social Security Act of 1935 was named the Economic Security Act, but this title was changed during Congressional consideration of the bill. Under the 1935 law, Social Security only paid retirement benefits to the primary worker. A 1939 change in the law added survivor’s benefits and benefits for the retiree's spouse and children. In 1956 disability benefits were added.

iii. Who assigns the SSNs and how many SSNs have been assigned?

Social Security numbers are assigned by Social Security Administration. SSNs were first issued in November 1936. By December 1, 2002 more than 418 million numbers had been assigned.

iv. Is it true that Social Security was originally just a retirement program?

Yes. Under the 1935 law, Social Security only paid retirement benefits to the primary worker. A 1939 change in the law added survivor’s benefits and benefits for the retiree's spouse and children. In 1956 disability benefits were added.

v. Is Social Security just a program for the elderly and disabled?

Social Security is not just a program for the elderly and disabled. Survivors of deceased workers and the families of retired or disabled workers also qualify for benefits. In fact, about 3.8 million children are currently receiving such benefits and 9 out of 10 would be eligible to receive benefits if a parent retires, becomes disabled, or dies. They need a Social Security number (SSN) before they can receive benefits.

The SSN is also needed for reasons not connected with Social Security benefits. For example, to be claimed as a dependent on a tax return, to open a bank account and buy Savings Bonds, your child needs an SSN.

vi. Is there any significance to the numbers assigned in the Social Security Number?

The digits in the Social Security number allow for the orderly assignment of numbers. The number is divided into three parts: the area, group, and serial numbers. The first three (3) digits (area) of a person's social security number are determined by the ZIP Code of the mailing address shown on the application for a social security number. Generally, numbers were assigned beginning in the northeast and moving westward. So people on the east coast have the lowest numbers and those on the west coast have the highest numbers. The remaining six digits in the number are more or less randomly assigned and were organized to facilitate the early manual bookkeeping operations associated with the creation of Social Security in the 1930s.

Within each area, the group number (middle two (2) digits) range from 01 to 99 but are not assigned in consecutive order. For administrative reasons, group numbers issued first consist of the Odd numbers from 01 through 09 and then Even numbers from 10 through 98, within each area number allocated to a State. After all numbers in group 98 of a particular area have been issued, the Even Groups 02 through 08 are used, followed by Odd Groups 11 through 99.

Within each group, the serial numbers (last four (4) digits) run consecutively from 0001 through 9999.

vii. Are Social Security Numbers re-assigned after a person dies?

SSA does not reissue SSNs after someone dies. When someone dies their number is simply removed from the active files and is not reused. In theory, the time might come someday when SSA would need to consider "recycling" numbers in this way--but not for a long time to come. SSA does not have to face reissuing numbers since the 9-digit Social Security number allows about 1 billion possible combinations, and to date SSA have issued a little over 400 million numbers.

viii. How can one get a different Social Security number assigned to himself?

Generally, an individual is assigned only one Social Security number (SSN) which is used to record the individual’s earnings for future benefit purposes and to keep track of benefits paid under that number. However, under certain circumstances, SSA may assign an individual a new (different) SSN. When they assign a new number, the original number is not voided or deleted. For integrity reasons, they cross-refer in the records all the numbers assigned to the same individual.

SSA can assign new SSNs in the following situations, provided all of the documentation requirements are met:

• Sequential SSNs assigned to members of the same family
• Certain scrambled earnings situations
• Certain wrong number cases
• Religious or cultural objection to certain numbers/digits in the SSN
• Misuse by a third party of the number holder’s SSN and the number holder has been disadvantaged by that particular misuse
• Harassment, abuse or life endangerment situations (including domestic violence)

To apply for a new (different) SSN, you need to complete Form SS-5 (Application for a Social Security Card)

You will also need to submit evidence age, identity, and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status. Form SS-5 explains what documents will satisfy these requirements. You will also need to submit evidence to support your need for a new number.

If you are age 18 or over, you must submit your request for a new SSN in person at your local Social Security office.

ix. When did Social Security cards bear the legend "NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION"?

The first Social Security cards were issued starting in 1936; they did not have this legend. Beginning with the sixth design version of the card, issued starting in 1946, SSA added a legend to the bottom of the card reading “FOR SOCIAL SECURITY PURPOSES -- NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION”. This legend was removed as part of the design changes for the 18th version of the card, issued beginning in 1972. The legend has not been on any new cards issued since 1972.

x. How to get a Social Security number for my baby?

The easiest way to apply for a baby's Social Security number (SSN) is at the hospital. Both parents’ Social Security numbers are required when applying for a baby’s SSN. When a parent requests a Social Security number (SSN) for his/her newborn as part of the birth registration process in the hospital, the State Vital Statistics Office forwards to the Social Security Administration (SSA) data we need to assign an SSN to the child and issue a card. This is known as the Enumeration at Birth (EAB) process. Once SSA receives the data, the process of assigning the number and issuing the card is the same as if the application were taken in a Social Security office.

In most States, the birth registration process is electronic. Hospitals submit birth registration information through local registrars to the State, where the information is entered into an automated database. In most States this process is completed and EAB data is sent to the Social Security Administration within 60 days of birth. EAB is a good service for most parents who have no immediate need for their child's SSN because they do not have to submit an application and evidentiary documents to a Social Security office.

xi. What types of Social Security cards does SSA issue?

SSA issues three types of Social Security cards depending on an individual's citizen or non-citizen status and whether or not a non-citizen is authorized by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to work in the United States.

 The first type of card shows the individual's name and Social Security number only. This is the card most people have and reflects the fact that the holder can work in the U.S. without restriction. SSA issues this card to:

- U.S. citizens, or

- Non-citizens who are lawfully admitted to the U.S. for permanent residence, or who have permission from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) record to work permanently in the U.S., such as refugees, asylees and citizens of Compact of Free Association countries.

 The second type of card bears, in addition to the individual's name and Social Security number, the legend, "NOT VALID FOR EMPLOYMENT". SSA issues this card to non-citizens who:

- don't have DHS permission to work, but are receiving a federally-funded benefit; or

- are legally in the U.S. and don't have DHS permission to work but, are subject to a state or local law which requires him or her to provide a SSN to get general assistance benefits or a State driver's license for which all other requirements have been met.

 The third type of card bears, in addition to the individual's name and Social Security number, the legend, "VALID FOR WORK ONLY WITH INS (or DHS) AUTHORIZATION". SSA issues this card to people who have DHS permission to work temporarily in the U.S.

If you’re a non-citizen, SSA must verify your documents with DHS before SSA issues a SSN card. SSA will issue the card within two days of receiving verification from DHS. Most of the time, they can quickly verify your documents online with DHS. If DHS can’t verify your documents online, it may take several weeks or up to three months to respond to Social Security's request.

xii. Which Social Security numbers are invalid (impossible)?

An invalid (or impossible) Social Security number (SSN) is one which has not yet been assigned.

The SSN is divided as follows: the area number (first three digits), group number (fourth and fifth digits), and serial number (last four digits). To determine if an SSN is invalid consider the following:

• No SSNs with an area number in the 800 or 900 series, or "000" area number, have been assigned.

• No SSNs with an area number above 728 have been assigned in the 700 series, except for 729 through 733 and 764 through 772.

• No SSNs with a "00" group number or "0000" serial number have been assigned.

• No SSNs with an area number of "666" have been or will be assigned.

xiii. Is it legal to laminate your Social Security card?

SSA discourages the lamination of Social Security number (SSN) cards because lamination would prevent detection of certain security features. To deter potential fraud and misuse involving SSNs, SSA currently issues SSN cards that are both counterfeit-resistant and tamper-resistant. (For example, the card contains a marbleized light blue security tint on the front, with the words "Social Security" in white; intaglio printing in some areas on the front of the card; and yellow, pink, and blue planchets--small discs--on both sides). SSA cannot guarantee the validity of a laminated card. You may, however, cover the card with plastic or other material if the material could be removed without damaging the card.

SSA would also recommend that as a security precaution, you carry your Social Security card only when you expect to need it, for example, to show to an employer or other third party.

xiv. Is there any charge for replacing a Social Security card?

Social Security does not charge a fee for either an original or replacement Social Security card. A replacement card can be a duplicate card (one with the same name and number) or a corrected card (one with different name but the same number).

xv. Can metal or plastic versions of Social Security cards be used?

The official verification of your Social Security number is the card issued by the Social Security Administration. Third parties who request your Social Security card as verification of your number will want to see the card SSA issues. Although Social Security has no authority to prevent use of metal or plastic replicas of Social Security cards, SSA considers them an unauthorized use of the Social Security number and discourages their use.

xvi. Can Social Security number be canceled?

No. When someone has applied for and been assigned a Social Security number (SSN) based on a validly signed application, the Social Security Administration (SSA) may not cancel or destroy that record. The Privacy Act of 1974 authorizes agencies to maintain in their records any information about an individual that is relevant and necessary to accomplish a purpose of the agency that is required by law. SSA is required by law to establish and maintain records of wages and self-employment income for each individual whose work is covered under the program. The SSN is considered relevant and necessary for that record keeping purpose. Consequently, valid SSNs are permanently part of SSA's records.


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